Cleaning, Clutter and Half-Eaten Elephants

Clarity comes from seeing things afresh and removing the clutter that has been stopping us from making informed life decisions. And when we say informed, it’s not just in relation to the wise use of the resources and space around us.

A Father’s Lie

“What do you want for Father’s Day”? This has been my yearly lie to my family.

Granddad’s Poem

My Granddads Poem For Abbey’s boys Jamie and Milli Hey you two, slow down Your Granddad can’t keep up You’ve been quick out of the gateFaster than lightening, I looked up and you were gone Why’s that? I was looking forward to playing with you From blowing raspberries on your bellyTo soccer tricks in the […]

I Listen for the Sound

Not the sound of a cock crowingI listen for the soundNot the sound of Pilate washing his handsI listen for the soundNot the sound of a whip lashing an innocent backI listen for the soundNot the sound of thuds as a soldiers fist smashes cheek and boneI listen for the soundNot the sound of a […]

Dads Rocking in Cradles

I need to act more on my inspiration. It’s a failing to keep holding back and let the flame reach the end of the match before I reach out to light the candle. For the last two days, I’ve been thinking of a story concept for a movie script. The idea is strongly built around […]

Getting Married – Flying on the Trapeze

Today many couples say that they want to ‘try out’ the relationship first before getting married. Their rationale is that by living together they want to ‘try before they buy’ so they don’t make the mistake of marrying the wrong person.

Glorious Valentine Aftermath

Cheryl and I are emerging from the Glorious Valentine Aftermath of celebrating our 23rd Valentine’s Day and I, with a wry smile on my face. This has been a day of sincere celebration hidden behind the guise of a ridiculous excuse for a retail pantomime.

Be The Friend

Satisfaction came from someone who chose to Be The Friend and called me out of the blue to ask us how we were. As we talked together about the ‘flat-tire’ our life is enduring right now we could hear the heart felt care and the trembling concern from a beautiful friend.

My Quest

Have you looked into the mirror recently and asked yourself “Who am I?” and “What am I here for?” Come on, you have to admit its a change from checking out the love handles and those buns of steel and wondering if you should detour your life to the gym.

Loving with Our Senses

I’m sitting outside in the cool summer breeze of a Kiwi evening thinking of all the love I’ve experienced today from my family. What occurs to me is that I’ve had to be awake to loving with our senses. If I hadn’t paid attention I would have missed the power of love and it’s intoxicating inspiration.