Do we have Empathy with Suicide?

Sadly it was this same young man who didn’t seem to have a care in the world who didn’t turn up for work one Saturday morning. He had committed suicide the night before after his shift.

Did You Hear that Alarm?

Are our lives so full of demands and emergencies that even a catastrophe has to schedule it’s crisis on your timetable? I’m asking you this question after three events prompted me to look at my own response to alarm bells. I had to ask myself ‘Did you hear that alarm?’

First World Problems

#FirstWorldProblem has become the throw-away line for numbers of people when dealing with a 10 second problem in their day. The phrase is meant to lighten the load on the stuff we ‘deal with’ but it is also demeaning to people in the third world dealing with real issues like lack of water, medicine, clothing and education or being persecuted for their beliefs.

Solid Resolutions like a Log Cabin

You may have made resolutions or just a mental list of the things you want to see differently. Similar to a wife giving her husband the house repair list, you’re hopeful that some of it will be done by the end of the year.

Facing a Fresh Future – 2013 New Year’s Day

Don’t start the next New Year by looking at the next twelve months as a pioneer looks at the uncleared wilderness, rather change your gaze to be like a developer looking at the land his investment has purchased on the most expensive piece of real estate in Manhatten.

Little Signs with Big Meaning

God shows us signs all around but if we are too busy looking for what we have predetermined is ‘the sign’ do we miss every other signpost on the road? Sometimes we’re so focussed on the huge that we miss the little signs with big meaning.

Waiting for the Curtain

I’m currently ‘between performances’. Doesn’t that sound cute when I could simply say “I’m Waiting”. What I’m saying is that one door of my life seems to be closing but the next door hasn’t opened yet.

Strong Enough

I know that I want to come through this having learned new levels of faith and strengthened muscles I probably didn’t know I had. I want to be ‘Strong Enough’.

Up to Heaven

It’s hard to understand why God led him by the hand
Up to Heaven
But deep inside we know it was a better place to go

Things that should be said

  Things that should be said There are many things I’d like to sayand there are many things I couldBut if all I do is say themthen I guess I never should You see words without meaning are likeflowers without their petalsor morning without its dewlike a puppy without its soft wet tongueor me without […]