Are you a Tattoo?

One of the modern day dilemmas involves ink, skin and Mum. Most teenagers will think about it, bikers will do it and wives may regret it. The thought of getting a tattoo has probably drifted through your mind from time to time. How have you resolved the question. Did you vote in favour of the […]

Movie Review: Contagion

In an increasingly mobile world where people and news travel fast, Contagion is a timely reflection on this brave new world. The conspiracy theorists will look to the movie for vindication while the script has a shot across the bow of everyone from the pharmaceutical conglomerate to the independent blogger. It plays on our fears […]

Simple Menus

Anyone who has watched Chef Gordon Ramsey walk into a struggling restaurant will see that one of his standard ‘tricks of trade’ is to simplify the menu. He outlines the reasons very quickly. The customer doesn’t want to know how many things you can cook they want to know what is your recommendation today. The […]

Movie Review: In Time

When I first heard the premise of Justin Timberlake taking a lead in Andrew Niccol’s new Sci-Fi Thriller In Time, I immediately thought this sounds like Logan’s Run with a Pop Star. Driving to the preview showing I was then confronted by a publicity poster on the back of a bus that looked like a […]